A word cloud or tag cloud is a visual representation of text data, commonly used to display key terms or tags on a website or to visualize the content of a large text. Words or phrases are arranged in a random order, and their size typically corresponds to their frequency of occurrence in the text. The more frequently a specific word appears, the larger it will be in the word cloud.
Word clouds help to quickly identify the most important and relevant terms in a text, making them useful for keyword analysis in marketing, research, education, and data presentation. For example, they can be used to analyze articles or blogs, customer reviews, and to create expressive visualizations when presenting survey results.
Word clouds may also contain various colors and fonts for better visualization and to draw attention to certain words, and they can be created in different shapes and styles.
Our service allows you to generate word clouds based on arbitrary text, where words are converted to their base form (lemmatized) in order to avoid repetitions. Generation parameters enable changing the color scheme, font, and angle of the text tilt. The resulting images can be downloaded for free in PNG format.